FTP Tutuorials WS FTP Configuring Transfer files Manage files Cute FTP Configuring Transfer files Manage files Smart FTP Configuring Transfer files Manage files FileZilla Configuring Transfer files Manage files <!-- -->
How do I Use Cute-FTP? Problem How do I use Cute-FTP to upload and download my files Resolution Applied Innovations has create a series of flash animated tutorials that will guide you through the various tasks of using Cute-FTP they are as follows: Configuring Cute-FTP http://support.appliedi.net/videotutorials/demo.php?id=7033&series=337 Transferring files with Cute-FTP http://support.appliedi.net/videotutorials/demo.php?id=7034&series=337 Managing files with Cute-FTP http://support.appliedi.net/videotutorials/demo.php?id=7035&series=337 <!-- [...]
How do I Use FileZilla? Problem How do I use FileZilla to upload and download my files Resolution Applied Innovations has create a series of flash animated tutorials that will guide you through the various tasks of using FileZilla they are as follows: Configuring FileZilla http://support.appliedi.net/videotutorials/demo.php?id=7027&series=337 Transferring files with FileZilla http://support.appliedi.net/videotutorials/demo.php?id=7028&series=337 Managing files with FileZilla http://support.appliedi.net/videotutorials/demo.php?id=7029&series=337 <!-- [...]
How do I use Smart FTP? Problem How do I use Smart FTP to transfer my files to my new web space? Resolution Applied Innovations has create a series of flash animated tutorials that will guide you through the various tasks of using Smart FTP they are as follows: Configuring Smart FTP http://support.appliedi.net/videotutorials/demo.php?id=7039&series=337 Transferring files with Smart FTP http://support.appliedi.net/videotutorials/demo.php?id=7040&series=337 Managing files [...]
How to create an FTP user in Windows Server 2008 To install FTP, we recommend using Web Platform Installer. Install FTP from this page: http://www.iis.net/download/FTP (click the large "Install" button on that page. The FTP option is found under the Web Server section of Web Platform Installer) Once installed on your server, go to the START menu, and in the search box, type "local users", [...]
How to FTP with Internet Explorer Internet Explorer 5.x or 6.0 Type your ftp address in the address bar:ftp://ftp.example.net Type your Username in the Username box Type your password in the Password box Internet Explorer 7 Type your ftp address in the address bar:ftp.example.netYou should see a message saying: "FTP root at ftp.example.net"It has instructions that you need to follow. Once [...]
I have problem uploading using FTP with additional users (Access Denied error) Access Denied error uploading using FTP with additional users Symptoms When you try to upload files using FTP with additional users that were created in the User Manager Section of the Control Panel, the system can and may respond with an Access Denied error. Cause The IIS FTP server does not have the ability to map [...]
Uploading Files Using FTP In Your My Computer Open up "My Computer" In the address bar, type ftp://yourdomainname.com/ and press enter. Now type in your FTP user name and password, which you created in the control panel at http://control.appliedi.net in "FTP Accounts" Your folder should look like this: Now all you have to do is drag and drop your website's files or folders into the the /wwwroot [...]
What is FTP? File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used to transfer files from one host to another host over a TCP-based network, such as the Internet. FTP is built on a client-server architecture and utilizes separate control and data connections between the client and server. FTP users may authenticate themselves using a clear-text sign-in [...]