Are people really making money at this? Absolutely! You'll make money and you'll provide a service to your friends by referring them to the same great, friendly, and knowledgeable hosts that you use yourself. <!-- -->
Can I send email to everyone on the Internet to ask them to sign up for hosting? Applied Innovations does not tolerate, support, or condone spam. Any affiliates caught spamming will have their affiliate status revoked and lose any pending revenue. Additionally, they may be fined. <!-- -->
Easy, simply sign up online and add the affiliate code to your site. It's generated automatically for you and easy to just cut and paste into your site. When you refer a client and they sign up, you get paid $25. If they become an affiliate also, then you will receive 10% of their commission for any sales they generate. This means you get $2.50 for every person your referred affiliate refers to Applied Innovations. <!-- -->
How do I get started? Easy - Simply sign up online and add the affiliate code to your site. It's generated automatically for you and easy to just cut and paste into your site. <!-- -->
How long does the sign up have to be a customer for me to get credit for the new account? Since Applied Innovations offers a 30-day money back guarantee and commissions are paid on the 15th of the month, they must remain a client for at least 45 days. <!-- -->
How much money do I have to have in my account to get paid? Once you have at least $100 of credit in your account, and all referred accounts have remained active for 45 days, you will be eligible to request payment. Payment will be made on the following 15th of the month. <!-- -->
Is the $25 commission the same regardless of which account I refer, or how many months they sign up for? Yes. <!-- -->
What happens if the sign-up cancels before 45 days? You will not receive payment for that sign-up. <!-- -->