This is where you go if you wish to pay your bill. Methods of paying are
dependent on what your web host has set up for you to use, most web
hosts support different gateways. They will let you know acceptable
forms of payment and provide you with the relevant details:
dependent on what your web host has set up for you to use, most web
hosts support different gateways. They will let you know acceptable
forms of payment and provide you with the relevant details:

The above are three examples of payment options. Your web host may offer alternative methods.
you wish to pay a specific amount (for example, a large amount to put
yourself in credit) you can do this in the œAmount To Pay box. You
will see that if you are paying by credit card, you can select which
card you wish to use by simply choosing the relevant card from the
dropdown box.
you wish to pay a specific amount (for example, a large amount to put
yourself in credit) you can do this in the œAmount To Pay box. You
will see that if you are paying by credit card, you can select which
card you wish to use by simply choosing the relevant card from the
dropdown box.
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