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  5. I’m unable to transfer files using Expression Web FTP

I’m unable to transfer files using Expression Web FTP

Expression Web uses the FTP client built into Internet Explorer. By default this FTP client is set to PASSIVE MODE and some firewalls may block Expression Web from transferring files as a result of this.

If you’re having FTP transfer issues. We recommend you do the following: 

1. Open Internet Explorer, select Tools -> Options and then Advanced.

2. Look for the checkbox "Use Passive FTP Option" and uncheck it as seen in the image below:

3. Save your settings, Close ALL Internet Explorer windows and attempt your FTP transfer again.

If your "Use Passive FTP Option" was already unchecked and you’re unable to transfer files via FTP, you may want to check it and then attempt it again. Make sure you close ALL Internet Explorer windows after completing this task.

If the problem still persists please contact support@appliedi.net.

Content retrieved from: https://support.appliedi.net/kb/a427/im-unable-to-transfer-files-using-expression-web-ftp.aspx.

Updated on November 11, 2019
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