Step 1:
Go to and choose the server which your database is held on:
Step 2:
Now type in your username (login) and password of your database user and click Connect:
Step 3:
Step 4:
Select the database you wish to backup from the list:
Step 5:
Check your information with what is provided to make sure it is the correct database, and then click Ok:
Step 6:
Now enter the name of the backup and description of your backup and click backup:
Step 7:
You should get a message saying: "Backup sucessfully performed":
Step 8:
We recommend that you download your backup file. Go ahead and click that link and save it to your computer where it will be safe and reachable:
Step 9:
After saving your backup file you are done with backing up your database.
For any technical difficulties with this, please contact
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