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  4. How to Restore Your MS SQL Database

How to Restore Your MS SQL Database

Step 1:


Go to https://sqlbackup.appliedi.net/ and choose the server which your database is held on:



Step 2:


Now type in your username (login) and password of your database user and click Connect:


Step 3:


  go to the Tools section and click Restore databases:



Step 4:




Now go ahead and select the database you wish to restore:


Step 5:




Verify your info with the info they give you and click ok:


Step 6:



Click the browse button and retrieve the backup file which you saved to your computer and click ok:


Step 7:




Select your file and press Ok again:


Step 8:




 Click the Restore button:


Step 9:




You should get a message at the bottom of the page saying: "Restore sucessfully performed" and another one saying: "Database has been checked and no error has been found":

You have now restored your database.



For any technical difficulties with this, please contact Support@appliedi.net

Content retrieved from: https://support.appliedi.net/kb/a295/how-to-restore-your-ms-sql-database.aspx.

Updated on November 11, 2019
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