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  2. Registering backup client manually

Registering backup client manually


You have successfully installed an Acronis Backup Agent, but registration failed and machine does not appear in Cyber Protection console.

Or you need to re-register a client machine to another Backup Account.


Use this method to manually register a Backup Agent.

Note that account name and password used in the commands are for backup user account, not for Partner-level admin

Use quotation marks, if your password contains special characters or spaces.

Windows OS

  1. Open Command prompt and navigate to C:\Program Files\BackupClient\RegisterAgentTool by running the following command:
    cd “%ProgramFiles%\BackupClient\RegisterAgentTool”
  2. Issue this command to register the client machine using account and password:
    register_agent.exe -o register -t cloud -a https://portal.awesomebackup.com -u <account> -p <password>

    where  -u <account> -p <password> are login and password for backup user account, follow these instructions if the password contains special characters or issue this command to register the client machine using registration token:
    “C:\Program Files\BackupClient\RegisterAgentTool\register_agent.exe” -a <your-datacenter> –token <token> -o register -t cloud<your-datacenter> is the datacenter address displayed in browser when you log in to Cyber Protection console, e.g. https://au1-cloud.acronis.com
Updated on May 11, 2021
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