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[How To] Install Merchant Tribe

Installing Merchant Tribe on any of our Shared Hosting Packages is easy to do!

In order to do it, you would only need:

– SQL Management Studio –  http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=7593

– An FTP Client such as Leech FTP, or CuteFTP


1) To begin, download the MerchantTribe package here.

2) Unzip the package to your local machine.  Inside, you will find 3 SQL files and a single directory.

3) Edit the web.config’s connection string to point to your database on our servers

4) Upload the files and folders within the "Site Files" directory to the wwwroot of your site

5) Open SQL Management Studio and connect to your database.

6) Right click your database and choose New Query.

7) Open the SQL files in order (1, 2, then 3) and paste the contents in the new query window before Executing them.

8)  In the control panel for your site, make sure your site is running Asp.net 4.  You will also need to email support@appliedi.net with your site name and request that Wildcard Script Mapping be setup for Asp.net 4.


You’re done!

Updated on November 11, 2019

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