With the awesome antispam premium offering it’s possible to enable each end user to receive an email with their quarantine from the previous day automatically. This can be configured in two different ways:
1) Automatically Enable for all email addresses
Log into the my.awesomeantispam.com portal as your domain administrator and select “Periodic User Reports”
Once Logged in, click on “Enable” as shown below
This will enable the automated end-user quarantine reporting for all email addresses. If you have a catch-all aliase or a large number of email address aliases you’ll want to disable the alias or you will end up with a quarantine report for each email address alias.
2) Manually enable for specific users / email addresses
Once logged in, click on “Periodic user report” and select the link that says “add a recipient”. This will bring up a form for you to enter the user details including the address to send to, how frequently (Daily or Weekly), which language to use and if you want it to sent in HTML or PDF.
There is also an option to check “Include extra spam table” and this is for the PDF report and will include a report of all messages that were filtered/rejected as spam in addition to all the messages that are quarantined.
Content retrieved from: https://support.appliedi.net/kb/a977/enabling-end-user-quarantine-reporting-in-awesome-antispam-premium-feature.aspx.