You have successfully installed an Acronis Backup Agent, but registration failed and machine does not appear in Cyber Protection console.
Or you need to re-register a client machine to another Backup Account.
Use this method to manually register a Backup Agent.
Note that account name and password used in the commands are for backup user account, not for Partner-level admin
Use quotation marks, if your password contains special characters or spaces.
Windows OS
- Open Command prompt and navigate to C:\Program Files\BackupClient\RegisterAgentTool by running the following command:
cd “%ProgramFiles%\BackupClient\RegisterAgentTool” - Issue this command to register the client machine using account and password:
register_agent.exe -o register -t cloud -a -u <account> -p <password>
where -u <account> -p <password> are login and password for backup user account, follow these instructions if the password contains special characters or issue this command to register the client machine using registration token:
“C:\Program Files\BackupClient\RegisterAgentTool\register_agent.exe” -a <your-datacenter> –token <token> -o register -t cloud<your-datacenter> is the datacenter address displayed in browser when you log in to Cyber Protection console, e.g.